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Numerology Forecast for November 2023 - The Potent Blend of Closure and Compassion


Main Messages:


November is a 9 Universal Month (1+1+2+0+2+3 = 9) during a 7 Universal Year (2023 = 2+0+2+3 = 7). Last month (the 8 universal month) was all about the manifestation of the past self. This month will bring change, healing and renewal of old ideals.

The ending of a tough cycle approaches! Continue to the Numerology Forecast for November 2023 below:


9 is all about the bigger picture! It’s time to let go of the old and allow the new to move in. 9 is all about humanitarianism, selflessness, completion, respect and acknowledgement of true wisdom.

In November 2023, we step into the embrace of the Universal 9 Month, a period that often means conclusion... but doesn’t mean the end. The number 9 symbolizes humanitarianism, charity, giving and compassion (in the positive). It’s also the number of war, resentment, anger and obsession with how “life just isn’t right” (in the negative).

During this month, expect the energy of the Universal 9 to bring about significant insight and changes as it will open doors and space for you to release and become anew. It is a time to focus on becoming one with self and allowing for the doors you opened in the universal 8 month to move you into the releasing and closing of old doors in the 9. Get ready to embark on a journey for the world to see this month!

Don't be fooled, the number 7 is still here! But, more importantly, how are you taking care of yourself? Are you resting, recharging, and giving your body the TLC it deserves?

The Importance of Being Mindful of the 7 Energy As we wrap up old cycles, it's crucial to remember that the 7 energy is still present and urging us to be conscious of our internal impulses and shadows. Whether we choose to acknowledge or ignore it, this energy requires us to recognize the healing that is necessary both individually and collectively. It is our universal duty to be mindful of how we impact the world around us.

Harnessing the Power of Numbers 7 and 9 to Achieve Success As we approach the end of 2023, it's important to recognize the potency of the numbers 7 and 9. Despite their opposing energies, both numbers can be utilized to achieve success. Due to the introspective tendencies of 7 and the generous nature of 9 (not to mention your own personal month energy), you may encounter a dilemma when deciding to break from old habits and support those who rely on them. However, with the right approach, you can unlock the full potential of both numbers to reach your goals.

Please note that this is the energy of the month. If you want to know how to calculate your personal month energy, check out this blog!

Advice and what you may see more of this month:

  • HEALING HEALING HEALING! What healing needs to take place? (Relationships, self-limiting beliefs and narratives, etc.)

  • Rebirthing of a new you! New direction is coming forth, how are you navigating the new desire and new direction? (Need help with that? Book a Spiritual Intuitive Session with me today!)

  • Love in all the right places! For some, it may be a new romantic partner/refreshing love with current partner, self-love, love for a new hobby or job, etc.

  • Global need for love and expansion of compassion. How can you give to others this month?

  • Boundaries!! Respect your boundaries and dare to stand by them. Others may require more from you this month, but you have to remember you are currently breaking old patterns.

  • Seek the lessons: what lessons are showing up for you this month?

  • Increase in spiritual growth. NATURE NATURE NATURE!!!

  • Someone from the past may reach out to you (reconciliation)

What to avoid this month:

  • Avoid falling back into your old habits! This is what blocks your new beginnings from manifesting.

  • Avoid unhealthy communication tactics. COMMUNICATION IS KEY THIS MONTH!

  • Be mindful of lies, envy and deceit. Not everything is what you expect it or think it should be.

  • Chasing false idealization! Be open to seeing old ideals (individually and globally) for what they truly are.

  • Avoid keeping the limiting beliefs/perspectives. They are only blocking you! Challenge them!

  • Avoid resistance to surrendering to the divine plan. Your plan may need to have adjustments. The goal/destination can remain the same, but how you get there can be up for debate. 👀

As mentioned before, the 9 energy can be pretty discordant with the 7 energy in many ways. However, the 7 Universal Year Energy is still in play! Check them out the universal 7 year energy (video below) , reflect on how the 7 is impacting your life, and ask yourself these questions for this month:

  1. What beliefs do you have that you need to let go of?

  2. What do you want to receive/ Do you know HOW to receive?

  3. What does your body crave right now? How can you tune in and give yourself what you look for from others?

Well that's all folks! Feel like these were great takeaways? Support this Queen with a LIT Dream and COMMENT BELOW what you think and SHARE these tips with others!! Stay LIT Royal Fam! Until next time! Follow Queens with LIT Dreams LLC on Social Media! IG: @Queenswithlitdreams Tiktok: @Queenswithlitdreams Facebook: Queens with LIT Dreams GET YOUR FULL BIRTH CHART AND NUMEROLOGY READING HERE!

Written by Teaira Queens with LIT Dreams

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