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“I Am Inevitable” LIT Numerology Monthly Snapshot: May 2020

Writer's picture: Teaira RidgewayTeaira Ridgeway


An 9 Universal Month!

Main Messages:


May is 9 Universal Month

May (5th month) + 2020 (Current Year)

(5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 9)

Well... as we all know, Thanos wasn't really inevitable...but change this month is!

So let's think of this month as Infinity War: End Game...

...On the negative cycles in your life.

Welcome to the 9 Universal Month Queens and Kings. This is going to be a month where you are going to (if you haven’t already) feel as if something…has…got…to…go! Out with the old and in with the new!

May 2020 is a Universal 9 Month!

Nine is all about compassion, humanitarianism, ambition, idealism, sense of responsibility, looking at the bigger picture, ending old cycles and starting new ones, letting go of the past and yes… forgiveness. What is it that you want to start anew? Are you holding on to baggage that you know you need to release? Do you need to forgive someone from your past in order to consciously attract what you want in the future? Well, this is the time to do it!

This month’s energy will bring a level of awareness around conscious compassion and universal understanding. It is meant for you to understand that life is goes in cycles and so do you! So, what cycle is it that you need to end this month? Take a good look at what is happening in your life and the world around you. Have you invested in your healing and ability to let go? If not.....Let it go!

Challenge for the Month:

Alright, let's get to it! You ready?

I challenge you this month to practice patience and view your situations and the relationships in your life (this could be your relationships to your home life, friendships, romantic relationships, relationships to food, work, etc.) from a new and wider perspective. Taking on this challenge could look like:

Re-evaluating what it means for you to feel fulfilled and satisfied in your relationships.

  • Does feeling needed and adequate only result from you doing from others? Are you feeling unsatisfied on a mental, emotional, physical and/or spiritual level with the relationship with yourself and those around you? What causes this feeling of lack and how do you break that cycle?

Making a decision on what you deserve and willing to work for in your life.

  • Just because you made a decision on what action to take in your life doesn't mean it will manifest instantly. Be patient and continue to work on your yourself.

Asking yourself: What is my purpose in this world and am I using my intuition to fulfill it?

  • Don't mix up fear and intuition. Let life unfold as it must and let your intuition guide you towards the next steps (sometimes, all you need is "sign").

What you will see more of this month:

  • Going Separate Ways: I hate to say (not really lol), but if you are in relationship (any type of relationship) and ya'll have been going your own directions for awhile; this is the time to go ahead and let that go. This goes for bad habits, loose ends, etc.(Remember: when one door closes, another door opens)

  • Accommodations and Selflessness: People doing for others (even if they don't feel like doing it) and putting their selfish needs aside.

  • Volunteering: People will be more willing to volunteer helping others. Whether its a shelter, pantry, or hospital; people are going to want to contribute to the larger society (especially during this pandemic).

  • Going Near Water: A lot of people are going to feel to take a trip to a nearby lake, river, pond, oceans, etc. It's actually a good time to be near water as it brings a sense of calmness (BUT...go ONLY if it is within the recommended limits purposed due to #COVID19)

  • Getting Tasty: Don't be surprised if you start seeing more #Instagram and #TikTok videos of people getting creative with their cooking. You may be in the mood to try some exotic foods (i.e. Thai, Mongolian, Indian, Chilean, Mexican, etc.)

  • Expression of Gratitude: After a few months of life changes, we all need to express a little more gratitude. Take the time to express your gratitude to those around you and those who are helping and guiding you.

Side Note: If you don't release what needs to go...the Universe will do it for you. Take it from's not always fun. (Just saying)

What to avoid this month:

  • Holding On: There's absolutely no need to hold on to what is no longer serving you. Forgiveness is Key! Let..that..ish...go! (Trust me!)

  • Major Purchases: If you are looking to make a major purchase, just wait until next month (a 1 Universal Month) when the energy is better. (Side Note: #VenusRetrograde is also happening this month). You may find that you may not like or find the purchases you make this month useful so you can hold off on them.

  • Selfishness: I mean, I don't really have to explain to not be selfish. Just remember that compassion for others is included in this.

  • Pettiness: What goes around comes around, so keep your eye on the bigger picture and stay vigilant.

  • Setting Unhealthy Conditions: Unconditional love will set us all free. Come to terms that life will not settle into your conditions. Remain open and understanding of your unhealthy conditions, heal, let go and let loose.

  • Becoming Overly Idealistic and Lacking Responsibility: I know this is a tough time and we all want to be out and about again...but please remember to be realistic with what's happening in the world. We will get through these trying times the best way we can. Try not to point fingers at others. All we need is for us to take responsibility for the role we play in each others lives and our own.

Sooooo pretty much, this month will be full of change and it's pretty important to remember that although the Avengers proved that Thanos was not inevitable...CHANGE IS!

Embrace the change and remember... behind every closed door is one waiting to open.

Feel like these were great takeaways? Support this Queen with a LIT Dream and COMMENT BELOW what you think and SHARE these tips with others!! Stay LIT Royal Fam! Follow Queens with LIT Dreams on Social Media! IG: @Queenswithlitdreams Facebook: Queens with LIT Dreams Written by Teaira Queens with LIT Dreams

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