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"April, is that you playa?" LIT Numerology Monthly Snapshot: April 2020

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

"April, is that you playa?" An 8 Universal Month!


April is an 8 Universal Month (4+2+0+2+0 = 8) during a 4 Universal Year (2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4).

2020 has been... a year... 😭😷💨 and we are only in the 4th month! Welcome to April playa!

March was a tough month that had us do exactly what a 7 Universal Month forced us to do...go within! Go within ourselves to do some serious introspection. For some, it was the first time they have had to engage with their spouse, children, friends, and families in a totally different way. For others, reality set in when they finally had to deal with the most difficult part of all...themselves (no shade, we’re all growing here 😊).

What are you going to do with all this time at home? How are you going to manage your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health while in the middle of a pandemic? Will the #Coronavirus change how we function in the world?...

Find out next time on.....Dragon Ball Z!!!

Okay... Just kidding! Back to regular scheduled programming. 😊

Now, I know some people are thinking, "No work? More Time? Aiight Bet!" and others are thinking, "Someone please save me from this internal prison;" but let's face it... this pandemic is impacting everyone!

So as reminder, please keep yourself safe, express gratitude, and do everything you possibly can to keep yourself balanced and healthy on ALL levels!

Now, what does April have in store for us?

After really tapping into the energy of the collective, there were a few messages that stuck out that will benefit the collective for this month! Let’s start with some #LIT #Numerology first!

You Only Get Out What You Put In: Balance Between Materialism and Spirituality

April is a Universal 8 Month!

8 is the number of manifestation, abundance, independence, wisdom, spiritual and material balance. It is also the number of Karma and infinite resources and opportunities (turn the 8 horizontal and you get an Infinity symbol). Now before you start freaking out (even more than you probably have been), I want you to keep in mind that energy is fluid. We all have a choice to move with it or push against it.

Either way, it’s up to you.

This month, the energy is calling for you to put forth more effort towards establishing a spiritual balance and partnership with your physical world. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. If the pandemic hasn’t really taught us anything, it’s that our functionality depends on the physicality of daily interactions, materialism and a reactive vs proactive mindset.

So, what does this mean? When we make a conscious effort as a collective to become more in tune with our spiritual selves, we can start seeing the doors of opportunity present themselves. We begin to know ourselves better and tap into the knowing and understanding of what WE need as a collective and as a planet.

Start getting your finances in order and create organization for yourself in the best way you possibly can. Although this is a time to take the lead on your life, you can’t carry the load all by yourself. If you are struggling with being overwhelmed and overloaded, speak up and ask for help. Leaders only lead by example. I mean, what would you tell your friends and loved ones if you knew they were overwhelmed from doing everything themselves?

Karma: What you put into this world is what you will get out. April is the time for you to truly work on your mindset and how you are thinking about your life and others…because we all are true manifestors. We create our reality; but we also must understand that this takes us believing in the impossible to create the impossible!

  • Affirmations and Intention Setting.

  • Create affirmations that will manifest what you truly desire. When doing this, speak as if you already have what you are asking for, not as if you are wishing it will eventually come.

Although this is an 8 Universal Month, we must keep in mind that we are currently in a 4 Universal Year (2020 = 2+0+2+0=4). Four is the number of structure, foundation, organization, planning, form, restriction, rest, duty and responsibility. The world’s foundation is being shaken up right now and it is our responsibility to take ownership for our part and put effort towards creating a better future.

What you may see more of this month:

  • People launching new independent projects, products, businesses, webinars and other virtual avenues.

  • The urge to explore investments.

  • People speaking their minds more freely.

  • Health increasing and/or declining (the pandemic isn’t over yet).

  • More genuine interactions between others and building connections with others for future collaborations.

  • Stock Market and Government changes.

  • Realizations through our dreams and impressions (meditate as much as you can to get more clarity).

  • An increase in EFFORT towards taking responsibility for self, emotions, and constant cycles in your life.

What to avoid this month:

  • Victim mentality. Acknowledge your emotions during these tough times; but always remember that you have all that you need (whether its knowing someone who knows how to help you, connection with your angels and guides who can help you, or natural resources, etc.) to get you through these tough times. Express gratitude for what you do have and act as if you already have what you're looking for.

  • “Quick fixes” and/or manipulating others.

  • Spending too much money (especially on unnecessary investments)

  • Impatience. What you need will come to you at great timing.

  • Repeating the same toxic cycles (no you should not text your ex because you are bored in the house.. just saying)

  • Feeling like you have to do EVERYTHING and be the “boss”. Calm down, there’s people here for a reason.

  • Using greed, competition, revenge, jealousy and/or one upping someone as your motivation.

  • Putting out negative energy… because this is a karmic month. We get what we put out to the world.

Well that's all folks! Feel like these were great takeaways? Support this Queen with a LIT Dream and COMMENT BELOW what you think and SHARE these tips with others!! Stay LIT Royal Fam!

Follow Queens with LIT Dreams on Social Media!

Written by Teaira

Queens with LIT Dreams

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